Bay Area Recovery Canines (BARC) is a volunteer canine search and recovery organization dedicated to providing agencies with with highly trained canines and handlers to assist in the recovery of missing persons.
Information about BARC
• BARC Overview presentation) (lecture notes)
• BARC_Overview.ppt (MS PowerPoint with lecture notes)
• BayWeekly8-16-09.pdf well written article on BARC
• Visit BARC on FaceBook at
Training log examples & articles
•SAR Training Using Food Rewards.pdf - the pro's & con's and suggestions on when and why to use food as a reward, or as part of the reward system, for training SAR dogs.
•Cross training a FEMA dog for HR: MDTF1 Cadaver_Dogs.pdf (most steps are the same for any cadaver dog (HRD) training process). Contains a narrative step-by-step process from imprinting to testing, plus tips as well as a single page outline of the process.
•Training log (live & cadaver)
•Introduction to boats (in-house lecture notes)
•Crime scenes and reports (lecture notes - several years old and prior to available crime scene classes for SAR personnel)
•Karen Garvin, a student at Unv. of MD, presented a summary of a journal article that appeared in Forensic Science International on the use of cadaver dogs success rates on contaminated carpet squares. The presentation cover slide shows BARC's K9 Tyler working a pallet pile for HRD and is posted on her blog.
FEMA related materials
•Disaster Site Debrief Map.xls (Excel) Additional detailed map for field marking search sectors and dog alerts/indications (this version was created by Heather Roche to share with the USAR community)
•Scene Safety Establishment checklist (Word) Standard FEMA interview card with victim and structural marking system images
•Search Method card (Word) based on the 3 pile FEMA test - things to remember and rules about each pile type, made to fit in luggage ID laminated sheets (check lists used during the test) (this version was created by Heather Roche to share with the USAR community)
•Cross training a FEMA dog for HR: MDTF1 Cadaver_Dogs.pdf (most steps are the same for any cadaver dog (HRD) training process). Contains a narrative step-by-step process from imprinting to testing, plus tips as well as a single page outline of the process.
Using dogs to locate historical & pre-historical remains & working with archeologists
•Using Canines as a Remote Sensing Tool: What Archaeologists Can Learn From SAR Dogs: UsingCaninesVA_compressed.mht (Power Point presentation shown to Anne Arundel County, Maryland Archeologists Oct 2004. The notes are shown in the bottom frame.)
◦UsingCaninesVA_compressed.ppt - Updated for 5-05 Presentation (MS Power Point presentation shown to Massanutten Archeological Society May 2005. The notes are shown in the bottom frame.)
◦Using Canines as a Remote Sensing Tool - updated for 5-05 presentation with notes as Adobe PDF: VAArch.pdf
• MS_graves_lessons_learned_updated.pdf Notes in random order after initial week working Indian Mounds, Pauper Graves, & Historical Cemeteries in MS 2003. (Adobe PDF.)